
Do Collagen Supplements Help with Acne? Get the Skinny…

Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes; whatever you want to call them, can pop up well beyond our teenage years. In fact, even if you didn't suffer from acne in your younger years, it is common for adults over 40 to get sporadic or recurring acne. Women, in particular, tend to get adult acne more often than men, especially those going through menopause. Add that to your list of fun things to expect while aging.


If you have been noticing that acne is becoming more prevalent as you age, there are solutions besides pimple creams and medicated face wash that can help battle the blemish. FYI, some creams and scrubs can actually make your skin problems worse. Like most ailments, it is always best to get the root cause of acne to find out why it is happening. Once that is identified, you can begin caring for your precious skin, starting from within. This is where collagen supplements come in and save the day. You've probably already heard about the many amazing benefits collagen supplements can offer, from increasing the skin's elasticity to reducing joint pain and building muscle. But can collagen help with acne? The answer is Yes; here's how.


What Causes Adult Acne?

Acne is a generally mild skin condition that occurs when hair follicles and pores become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, dirt, or sebum (natural oils in the skin) – causing whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples. Although it is common among teenagers going through puberty, acne can occur at any stage of life, even as a baby. In fact, about 50 million Americans are affected by acne every year, and it's estimated that 20-40% of those affected are adults. Dr. Dendy Engelman, MD, an NYC-based dermatologist explains, "hormonal acne tends to come and go around your period. Hormones can trigger oil production to increase and flare up acne." She also says stress is a significant contributing factor. Whether the clog is caused by makeup, lotions, hormones, or environmental contaminants, bacteria builds up beneath the clog, and grows into a tiny, localized infection, characterized by a red and inflamed dot (pimple) or a pus-filled zit. They can even form under the skin's surface, causing a hard, cyst-like bump.


Of course, every person is different, but adult acne typically is triggered by acne include:


  • Hormonal changes. Puberty is not the only thing that causes an influx of hormonal changes. When your body produces uneven levels of various androgens like testosterone, it causes havoc on the body, which then causes your skin to produce too much sebum (oil) and clog up your pores.
  • Certain medications.Some people break out or get a skin reaction from new medications. Examples include drugs containing corticosteroids, antidepressants, testosterone, or lithium. Even some birth control pills can cause it. Talk to your prescribing doctor if you think this could be a factor.
  • Diet. Your diet plays a huge role in your skin health. A healthy lifestyle along with a vitamin-rich diet helps to keep excess oil at bay. Studies show that consuming certain carbs, such as bread, bagels, and chips — may worsen acne. Staying hydrated is key too. Water really is everyone’s best friend.
  • Stress. Stress can cause the body to go into fight or flight mode, which increases cortisol (stress hormone.) This can trigger all kinds of reactions, including acne.
  • Poor skincare routines. We have all been there, failing to wash our makeup off at the end of the day or just not having a proper routine in place. Dirty skin can cause acne. Whether it's from makeup, not changing your pillowcase frequently, wearing masks without cleaning them, or building a sweat after a workout. Over cleansing can be a culprit too.
  • Genetics. Sorry to say that some people are simply genetically predisposed to have acne. Whether your parents, cousin, grandparent, or distant relative, acne can be passed down generations.

How Collagen Supplements Can Help with Acne

Collagen has a ton of beneficial effects that have been studied and backed by science. Collagen is a major component of your skin and plays an integral role in strengthening skin, as well as in elasticity and hydration. Your body produces less collagen as you age, leading to dry skin and wrinkles. Collagen supplements work by stimulating your body to produce more collagen on its own. It also promotes the production of other proteins like elastin and fibrillin, improving skin quality and appearance. So how can collagen help with acne? There are two schools of thought here.


  1. Collagen adds natural hydration. Increasing collagen by taking collagen supplements can help eliminate the need for added creams and oils that cause excess buildup by providing moisture and hydration from the inside. A conundrum for adult acne is over-cleansed, dry skin which can actually cause acne. By ridding your natural sebum barrier that usually protects your skin from dirt, grime, and bacteria, you actually make it more susceptible to clogging pores. Balance is key. According to Healthline, a review of 11 studies that were conducted on women taking 3–10 grams of collagen per day for an average of 69 days led to improvements in skin elasticity and hydration.
  2. Improves scarring. The other benefit of using collagen for acne is reducing scars and improving skin texture. Collagen helps with issues that are beneath the skin's surface. Although acne scarring is on the outside, some scars cause red or dark discolorations. Collagen helps with hyperpigmentation to heal acne scars. Scarring typically occurs when skin cells and tissue gets weakened and damaged. Collagen aids in the skin's healing process. Collagen forms in the injured areas of the skin (where the scarring is) and fills it with fresh, new skin, replacing its lost volume and making your skin appear smoother. Adding a collagen supplement into your daily routine helps to speed up this process, encouraging your skin to heal quicker and rebooting your skin's complexion.

If you're interested in improving and maintaining the health of your skin, collagen supplements can help. Along with a healthy lifestyle, collagen supplements like Checkable's Glow & Grow can help with all your skin concerns, as well as reduce joint pain and build muscle when taken daily. Our collagen complex was expertly formulated with the perfect blend of Type I, II, III, V, and X collagen proteins. Made from bovine, chicken, eggshell, and marine sources, our collagen supplements deliver a full range of collagen that stimulates your body to produce more naturally and slow down the body's aging process. It takes about eight weeks to notice changes but be patient. All good things come to those who wait.